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Combinatory Differentiation, Wannier Localization, Coupled Cluster
✿ Bio
- 2024-present: postdoc with Prof. Fabian Faulstich at RPI Math. I will be working on Coupled Cluster.
- 2019-2024: Ph.D in Computer Science, Cornell University.
- Advisor: Prof. Anil Damle.
- I worked on a new formalism of Wannier localization and developed the theory of combinatory differentiation.
- I interned at LLNL (2022) with Anders Petersson working on superconducting qubit modeling.
- I interned at LBNL (2023) with Chao Yang and Lin Lin working on twisted bilayer graphene.
- 2015-2019: Engineering Physics, UW-Madison.
- I worked on superconducting qubit control (2017-2019).
- Research mentor: Prof. Robert McDermott.
- Program advisor: Prof. Carl Sovinec.
- Special Thanks: Prof. Maxim Vavilov & Prof. Wendy Crone.
- 2014-2015: Communication University of China, Beijing (dropped out).
- 2011-2014: scientific division, NEYC, Shenyang.
- 1996-2011: raised in Liaoyang, Liaoning.
✿ Funding Acknowledgement
ONR, US Air Force, Hilldale Foundation