✿ Contact

  • Office    Gates Hall: G455
  • Phone    (608) 207-6792
  • E-mail    kl935 (at) cornell (dot) edu
  • Github   github.com/kangboli

✿ Tags for SEO

Combinatory Differentiation, Wannier Localization, Coupled Cluster

✿ About

  •    I'm a Cornell Ph.D. student (2019-present) in CS working with Prof. Anil Damle. I'm currently working on a theory of combinatory differentiation that aims to analytically automate the variational differentiation and backpropagation.
  •    I interned at LBNL (2023) with Chao Yang and Lin Lin working on twisted bilayer graphene.
  •    I interned at LLNL (2022) with Anders Petersson working on superconducting qubit modeling.
  •    I worked with Prof. Robert McDermott and Prof. Maxim Vavilov at UW-Madison (2017-2019) working on superconducting qubit control.
  •    I did Engineering Physics at UW-Madison (2015-2019) for my undergraduate. My program advisors were Prof. Carl Sovinec and partly Prof. Wendy Crone.

✿ Funding

My current work is funded through the SciAI center at Cornell by ONR.
kangbo li self portrait

Photo-realistic self portrait

  My Schedule (ET)

  • Fri 26

    UG Research meeting


  • Sat 27

  • Sun 28

  • Mon 29

  • Tue 30

    SciAI Research Club


  • Wed 31

  • Tur 1

    Talk to Anil


    Quantum control & characterization
